Two-tone blue wave TIDAL logo. Below the wave the text reads Tool to Implement Developmental Analyses of Longitudinal data

TIDAL is an R Shiny application for data wrangling, analysing, visualising and interpreting growth curve model data aimed at a variety of users, including researchers, clinicians, public health officials and educators. The aim is for this tool to remove barriers to implementing longitudinal research to researchers without specialist statistical backgrounds.


Funding information

This project is funded by The Wellcome Trust and Social Finance (Grant Ref: 226686/Z/22/Z) as part of the Wellcome Mental Health Data Prize.

Project Contributors

Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh:

  • Alex S. F. Kwong (Project Lead)
  • Heather C. Whalley (Project Lead)
  • Amelia Edmondson-Stait
  • Eileen Y. Xu
  • Liana Romaniuk
  • Iona Beange
  • Andrew M. McIntosh

Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King’s College London:

  • Thalia C. Eley
  • Ellen J. Thompson (also University of Sussex)

Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol:

  • Kate Tilling
  • Richard M. A. Parker
  • Ahmed Elhakeem

Department of Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University:

  • Rebecca M. Pearson


Alex Kwong and Amelia Edmondson-Stait can be contacted at


This package is provided solely for educational and informational purposes. Users understand and agree that any data uploaded and utilised with this package is done at their own risk. Users are solely responsible for the accuracy, legality, and ethical considerations of the data they upload. Additionally, users are responsible for the interpretation of results obtained through the use of this package. The creators and maintainers of this package shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from the use, interpretation, or implications of the package or the data uploaded.


TIDAL is distributed by a GPL-v3 license.